Thursday, October 6, 2011

Missionaries Forthcoming...

I was born and raised Adventist and thought I was doing everything I was supposed to do. We (my mom and I) lived out in the country, off grid, had a garden, a wood cook stove. I love it and I thought that this was it. I was beginning to become very active in our church and we were willing to take any opportunities passed to us. One day my mom got a call from a close friend of ours, who had gone to be missionaries in Grenada, and asked if we would be willing to cook for about 30 staff members at FaithCamp which was going to be held about 3 hours away from us the following week. We began packing, calling and planning to go there thinking we would only catch a few of the meetings because we would have to cook a lot. At supper on the opening night Luis (the media coordinator) asks me if I could help with the cameras, he was low on camera men and me being electronically minded jumped on the idea. :) I'm not yet sure why I have been getting that experience but I'm sure one day I will know. So anyway LONG story short my mom learned enough from the few meetings she was in that we were supposed to go into the mission field. She asked me in the kitchen one day what I thought about going into the mission field and tithing my time to the Lord. I really did not like that idea, I was just being needed at our church because one of the main families in our church was leaving to go to Thailand as missionaries, all my family and friends were here... I was comfortable here. But God calls us to be uncomfortable for Him sometimes, huh? I was having a very bad struggle inside and it released itself in tears. My mom didn't know what to think about that but then she started to talk to me about some possibilities and that maybe I could become a medical missionary pilot. I've always wanted to be a pilot... and a Nurse, slowly I began to grasp the idea and really was excited about it. God works in miraculous ways. We are continuing to work on leaving for Bolivia in January as medical missionaries. Please pray that His will may be fulfilled.

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